Saturday, October 22, 2011

162 sold!

Thanks to all who have been praying as well as donating towards our adoption. We are truly blessed each week, to see Gods grace and provision. The amount so far is $1,600.00 through this puzzle fundraiser!

I was truly blessed and encouraged this past week. I attended a teacher conference for two days, with my staff from OVCS, and it was truly amazing! Not only were the sessions encouraging and energizing, I also saw two old PBU classmates and got to catch up with them. The blessing was that one of them is also adopting and it was just an encouragement to speak with her about their process and learn that they have had some hurtful things said to them that is similar to some things said to us. Its a shame those things have been said, but its encouraging to know we are not alone.

Please continue to pray for us, for our hearts, our journey as well as the process of raising the money for the little life to hopefully bless our lives someday soon!

Here is the pic of the puzzle so far:

Sunday, October 2, 2011

138 pieces sold!

Today we have reached 138 total pieces sold, that is $1,380.00 donated towards our adoption... Praise the Lord! But we still have quite a ways to go. Please pray that God would provide as well as open doors and close doors when needed.

We also heard that the house we put an offer on (way back in March) is finally moving a little bit forward. It is a short sale and they are waiting for the appraisal and title, then we will see what happens next. So that is a blessing, and we are praying they not only accept our offer, but that we can close on it before the snow hits! What a blessing it would be to in our house prior to adopting, but we know the Lord has everything under His control, and that is truly our only comfort during these times.

A little glimpse from my heart this week: I had a rough week because we are not pregnant... again... (yes we still want to adopt even if the Lord blesses us with one of our own.) Then I hear people complain about their children and say things like "Kelly, you're lucky you don't have to deal with that"... I wish we were dealing with those things! I know people don't think about such things and I pray constantly that I would not be so sensitive about comments. It just stings a little bit more each month. It is a comfort to know that the Lord has it all under control, but sometimes it's harder then other times.

October 4th marks our 3 year anniversary! I am so happy that the Lord saw fit for us to get married... Justin has been such a blessing in my life and really keeps me grounded :) He bought me a beautiful sterling silver charm necklace with the August birthstone in it (that would have been our baby's birth month) and we can just add more birthstones to it when we have kids (Lord willing).

Thank you for all your prayers and support during this waiting period in our lives. Please continue to pray for our hearts and that the Lord would provide!