Sunday, August 21, 2011

103 pieces sold!!

This week we were blown away by the Lord blessing us and the count is up to 103 pieces! We have 397 more pieces to "sell" to meet our goal. Thank you to all the many people who have donated to help us in our journey, as well as all the many prayers that are being said... we truly feel the Lord working in our lives.

Please continue to pray that the Lord would prepare our hearts as well as give us the patience to wait on Him for His timing and His will.

You can see the cliffs forming! Its so fun to add more pieces with names on them each day!

We cant wait to see this finished!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

46 Pieces purchased!

This past week the total has been brought up to 46 pieces.. thanks to all the prayers and donations by a few of God's faithful people. There is still no word on a birthmother choosing us, so please pray that the Lord would see fit for a new life to be brought into our home soon.

Last week we were also blessed by friends of ours, who are photographers, when they took some pics of us to update our adoption profile. We're very excited to see the final product and send it to the agency for our packet. Its exciting to see God work through His people as well as being blessed by our friends.

Please continue to pray for us on this journey, that the Lord would do as He wills, and that we would be patient while we wait :).

Here is a pic what the puzzle looks like so far... the front and back with the names written on it:

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

18 pieces purchased!

Wow, what a blessing the last 2 weeks has been! The Sunday that we put fundraiser letters in our church family's mailboxes, one member wrote a check that day to buy our first puzzle piece! Since then we have had 3 others that made up the 18 pieces! We are very encouraged by this and cant wait to see how much more God is going to accomplish.

I was also pleasantly surprised when I asked for a few pictures of us to be taken by some old friends (the photographers at our wedding), they offered to do it for free as their donation! We will be getting new pictures taken for our adoption profile... We are so excited :) We'll post a few on here when they are complete.

Here is a pic of what the puzzle looks like so far: